sparkinson at jhu dot edu
I no longer maintain an account on X (Twitter). You can find me on BlueSky at
No teaching Fall 2024 or Spring 2025
NOTE FOR PROSPECTIVE PHD STUDENTS: Johns Hopkins University’s Political Science Department admits PhD students via committee decision rather than via individual sponsorship of interested students. We look for students who have a strong academic background and a compelling research proposal motivated by a clear question grounded in scholarly literature. In their applications, prospective students should articulate why they are a good fit by elaborating how their research would mesh with department’s strengths and which specific faculty would serve as good mentors for them (based on faculty publications and current research interests). Please consult faculty websites and publications before emailing with specific questions!
NOTE FOR PROSPECTIVE RESEARCH ASSISTANTS: I require my research assistants to have taken a class with me. I do not hire research assistants from other US-based universities. I do not hire high school students.
Fall 2024: No teaching
Spring 2025: The Politics of Disaster in the Middle East and Beyond